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To add items its a very simple step.

image-20240304-134024.pngImage RemovedFor this part you need:


1. To Add Emails

If you want to add for example an email to your workspace, you just have to open an email, then our plugin AHAU 260 DEVproduct, choose the workspace and then it will be added to it.

888 (1).jpgImage Added

2. To Add Tasks

To add tasks to your workspace, you just have to click on the top (in orange) and it will be add. image-20240304-134303.pngImage Removedthis button, and choose the task you want or many tasks.

888.jpgImage Added

3. Add Documents

1. First you open the workspace.

2. Then the workspace will open on that space that is selected.

3. Go to the end of the list, choose documents, click on the plus button

and choose the document you want to add to this workspace.

4. Rest Of The Items

Its the same process for the rest of the items, has contacts, checklists, bookmarks.

Creator mariana (Unlicensed)

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