Connect Redmine Account

Connect Redmine Account

You can connect a Redmine account in the settings section.

Connect a Redmine Account

On settings you can check your service provider’s “Accounts” section, right below your AHAU 260 account details.

You can connect a new Redmine account by clicking “Connect Account”.




Choose Account Provider

After the previous step, you will see the pop-up to the right.

You now have to choose your Redmine provider by clicking on the respective box to select it, as shown below.


Then you just have to click the “Create” button (now unlocked).



Enter Account URL

At this point, you will be presented with the screen to the right and you need to enter a valid account URL in order to proceed

The selected field needs to have the correct account URL in order to unlock the “Continue” button.

Account URL Insertion Success

If the URL field is filled with the correct URL for your account, a success box will appear and the “Continue” button will be unlocked.

Then, you just have to click the “Continue” button.



Account URL Insertion Failed

If you inserted a wrong URL when entering your account’s URL, the “Continue” button will be locked again.

A red icon with a cross will also appear to the right of your field, as well as an error box on top.

Authorize Connected Account

After clicking the “Continue” button when on the success screen, you will be redirected to the authorization page.

The default state of this one will be the credentials option. You can toggle between credentials and API key authorization method.

If you want to change your current inserted URL you have to click the “Back to change” button.


You will then be redirected to the previous step, and will be able to re-enter your pretended URL.

Authorize by Credentials

After proceeding to change your username if needed and inserting your password. The “Connect” button should be now unlocked.


At this moment you just have to click it and connect your account.

Authorization by API Key

After inserting your Redmine API Key, the “Connect” button should now be unlocked.


Now, you just have to click it and connect your account.

Credentials Authorization Failed

In case you choose the credentials authorization method and entered wrong credentials on the respective fields, you will see the following message above your form.


At this moment, you just need to rectify your inserted credentials and try again.

API Key Authorization Failed

In the case you choose API Key authorization and entered a wrong key, you will see the following message above your form.


At this moment, you just need to rectify your API Key and try again.

Authorization Success

After authorizing your account by credentials or by API Key you will see the screen to the right with the result of your connection attempt.

You just have to click the “Ok“ button to proceed to the sync process.


In case you want to return to the credentials form and repeat the authorization process or switch your authorization method, you have to click the “Change Connection” button.



Sync Process After Authorization

If everything went well with the authorization, you reached the final step. After clicking the “OK” button, your account should automatically start syncing and you’re done.

Then, you will be redirected to the “Settings” section and you can check your account sync icon, it will be green. All your tasks/activities related to this account will be loaded on Linked Pane.