Getting Started - Teams (Bot)
The AHAU 260 Bot can be accessed in Microsoft Teams through the “Apps” tab in the left side bar.
Bot Commands
You can type commands in the chat in order to request actions from the bot. All the actions you can request can be found as “hints” when you click the text box in order to write in the chat.
The actions that you can request from the bot are:
projects - Request the project’s list. Will be presented by pages
find project - Find a project by search request with filters
projects --id - Get a project by its id
tasks - Request the task’s list. Will be presented by pages
find task - Find a task by a search query with filters
tasks --id - Get a task by its id
create task - Create a new task in the project you choose
help - Show the list of supported commands
Linked Pane
Besides the command’s functionality, the Linked Pane is also present in the AHAU 260 App for Microsoft Teams. To access it, just click in the “AHAU 260” tab in the top part of the chat window.
In the Linked Pane, you have a complete view over the links you have to your tasks, either “Tasks” on your project management service providers accounts, “Emails” linked to these tasks, “Bookmarks”, “Checklists”, Microsoft Teams “Channels” and also “Documents”.
Checklists Pane
In the Checklists pane, that can be accessed through the checklist icon in the side bar menu of the app, you can create checklists, item templates and manage them to better organize your workflow.
Timers Pane
In the Timers pane, you can create timers (also start, pause or stop them), post them into the tasks from the service providers that support time tracking and they will appear in a chronological order.
Favourites Pane
In the Favourites pane, you see “hearted” tasks from your project management service providers in a separate tab. This funtionality helps you highlighting a task that you need to have always in hand or that you are constantly working in.