Convert Settings

Convert Settings

Click 'Settings' on the Redmine tab to open the Settings dialog box.

Option 'Convert' allows configuring settings of the convert emails into issues options.

Include attachments

Check to enable adding issue attachments from the email to the task.

The settings below will become editable after enabling this option.

Embedded Images

Check to enable adding embedded images from the converted email to the task.

All other attachments

Check to enable adding documents of other formats from an email.

When linking messages with existing tasks

Check to add attachments from an email to the existing issue.

Include email as an attachment

Check to add an email into the issue as a document in the following format.

Add the sent email as an attachment for the linked task

Check to enable adding a reply email as an .msg file format attachment to the issue.

Add the text of the sent email as a note for the linked task

Check to enable adding a reply email as a note to the issue.

Add ID to email subject

Adds to the subject of an email an issue ID which is created after converting an email or ID of an issue to which the email was linked to.

Include email recipients in the converted task

Automatically adds to the converting Redmine issue users who are the recipients of an email.