Get Started with Redmine for Outlook (Classic)

Configure the add-in

Click Settings on the Redmine Add-In tab to open the Settings dialog box.

Connect with Redmine

Type your Redmine URL, including protocol prefix (https or http) and port number (when using a non-standard port) in the URL bar. If you have no Redmine, please install it. We recommend - Redmine Cloud.

Then type your API access key or username \ password in the fields below, as shown.

Select 'Use API access key' option if you want to use “API Access key” instead of username and password.

Click either the ‘Validate connection’  button to validate the entered data. 

How to get API access key

  1. Login to your Redmine account
  2. Go to My account page
  3. In Right column under API access key, click the show link

How to enable REST API in Redmine

“REST web service” must be enabled in your Redmine for this Add-In to work. This is disabled by default.

  1. Login to your Redmine account as administrator
  2. Go to Administration -> API tab
  3. Enable REST web service

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