Process Of Export

Process Of Export

Calendar export is started automatically by a timer or by a Sync button.

The plug-in scans the respective calendar folder and selects only meetings and appointments excluding those which status is Canceled, Received or if the user has declined participating in a meeting - response was declined.

For each meeting or appointment to which the current user has been added as a recipient a task will be created in the respective project in Easy Projects. It is an IMPORTANTrequirement that the current user is included in the members of the project, or else the tasks will NOT be created.

Linked Easy Projects issues contain keys (in brackets) in their names.


Watchers – only current user will be added to or removed from the watchers.

Estimated Hours – is calculated as the total of all recipients' times at the meeting.

It is an IMPORTANT requirement that the appointment duration is one-day, or else the estimated hours will NOT be filled.

Body – will be written to Description.

Priority – will be determined from the name and set for the task.

Start date, End date – will be set as values of the respective fields.

It should be noted that:

  • If the task already exists in the project, it will be updated.

  • If a meeting or an appointment have already taken place (today precedes end date), the task's status will be set to 100%.

  • If no meeting or appointment for existing task in the project, then the current user is removed from the assignees to that task.