Installation For User Group

Installation For User Group

We provide the installer based on Microsoft Installer packages (MSI) for you to silently deploy the Outlook Add-in to your organization via Group Policy / Microsoft System Center.

The Outlook Add-in is add-in that is installed on each user's local profile. While there are many benefits, one disadvantage to this approach is that the installer has to run in the context of that user (i.e., running the installer under your account or a service account has no effect on the intended user's account on the same machine).

To help make installing Add-in on multiple machines easier, we provide an MSI that:

  • Places the standard installer under Program Files\Ahau Software\RedmineOutlookAddin

  • Creates a registry key that will run the installer with a --checkInstall flag when a user logs in.

The MSI installer runs on user login because the intended user account may not exist during imaging. Keep in mind, if you choose to uninstall the MSI, the Outlook Add-in will not be automatically removed from user accounts.