Connect Asana Account

Connect Asana Account


You can create a new Asana account in the “Settings” section of the application.

Connect a New Asana Account

In the “Settings”, you can check your service provider’s accounts section, right below your AHAU 260 account details.

You can connect your Asana account by clicking “Connect Account”.




Choose Your New Account’s Provider

After the previous step, you will see the “Connect New Account” pop-up window. (Figure in the right).

Now, choose your Asana provider by clicking the respective box to select it (as shown below).


Then you just have to click the “Create” button (now unlocked).


Enter Account URL

At this point, you will be presented with the screen to the right and you need to enter a valid account URL in order to proceed.

The selected field needs to have the correct account URL, in order to unlock the “Continue” button.


Account URL Insertion Success

If the URL field is filled with the correct URL for your account, a success box will appear and the “Continue” button will be unlocked.

Then, you just have to click the “Continue” button.




Account URL Insertion Failed

In the case you inserted a wrong URL in the filling box, the “Continue” button will be locked again.

A red icon with a cross will also appear to the right of your field, as well as an error box on top.



Manage Account’s Connection

When in “Settings”, after following the previous steps in order to connect your account, you can either change your connection or check its status. To do this, just click the “Connection” button in the account’s panel.



Change Connection

You will be presented with your connection status, showing if your account is authorized or not.

Click the “Change Connection” button to change your account connection to Asana.