How to Access the Add-in - Microsoft Outlook

How to Access the Add-in - Microsoft Outlook

When opening the Outlook Web App after signing in with your Outlook account, you will be presented with your inbox and email’s list.

When you select an email, it will be displayed in the right side of your inbox.

On the top right corner of the email’s tab, you will have access to some quick action icons. By default, the AHAU 260 app might not be visible unless you click the 3 dots menu icon. Click the AHAU 260 icon (highlited in the image in the right).



After clicking the 3 dots and the AHAU 260 icon, you need to sign in with your AHAU 260 account and the linked pane will be presented as in the figure in the right.





In the top right corner, at the left side of the “Close” button, there is a “Pin” button. By pinning / unpinning the add-in, you can choose either if you want it to stay open when you select different emails in your inbox or to close after you select a different one.

To pin the AHAU 260 app’s button outside of the 3 dots menu, you will have to go to Settings > View all Outlook settings >A pop-up window will open. There, select the “Email” tab > Select the “Customise actions” page. There, you need to scroll down until you find the “Message surface” actions.

You can select and deselect the functionalities that you wish to be presented in your email’s tab.

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